Coadjuvants antibotrytis
Thanks to our extensive experience in the field of biotechnology for winemaking, we have created a line of antibotrytis adjuvants capable of solving any problems caused by the onset of Botrytis cinerea on grapes and musts. The range includes tannins, antioxidants, pectolytic enzymes and yeast hull preparations that allow the producer to obtain a quality wine, even in the event of fungal attacks.

Botrytis cinerea is a very common fungal parasite in winemaking, where it is generally called grey rot or grey mould. This disease causes serious damage for wine growers and to develop requires high levels of humidity and poor air circulation.
A Botrytis cinerea infection lowers the quality of the wine, leading to unwanted earthy odours, a decrease in acidity and change in colour. Grapes with Botrytis bunch rot are affected by oxidasic enzymes, laccase in particular, which oxidises numerous phenolic compounds such as polyphenols, anthocyanins and catechins, due to the polymerisation of quinones. Moreover, through the production of polysaccharides and heteropolysaccharides, the fungus can cause clarification problems and clogging of the filter cartridges.
Our offer includes specific products for treating grapes affected by grey rot. The line of antibotrytis adjuvants includes a preparation based on PVPP, bentonite and yeast hull preparations which can effectively remove the oxidising compounds and the parts of grapes damaged by the rot, and thanks to the yeast hulls, re-establishes a good antioxidant power in the wine.
To combat the effect of the polyphenoloxidases (tyrosinase - laccase) in the must, we have a purified enzymatic preparation that, on the one hand, preserves the aromatic precursors and the colouring matter, on the other. The line also includes a combination of ellagic and proanthocyanidinic tannins, with a low molecular weight, capable of blocking the effect of Botrytis cinerea and re-establishing the correct tannin-anthocyanin ratio. Lastly, we have a specific high-dispersion antioxidant which protects the grapes in the first mashing stages. This is highly effective in removing oxidised compounds and protects varietal and fermentative aromas.